Log In

Sign in with Login.gov to log in to the AEDT website. Access to the AEDT website now requires users to have a Login.gov account to use a two-step verification process.

Sign in with Login.gov

Existing AEDT Support Website Users

Users must have a Login.gov account with the same email address that you use for the AEDT Support Website

  1. Create or log in to an existing Login.gov account
  2. Complete the two-step verification process on the Login.gov website
  3. You will be redirected back here to the AEDT Support Website

New AEDT Support Website Users

If you are a new user of the AEDT Support website, set up a Login.gov account first, then create a new AEDT Support Website account using the same email address.

  1. Create or log in to an existing Login.gov account
  2. Complete the two-step verification process on the Login.gov website
  3. You will be redirected back here to the AEDT Support Website
  4. Create a new AEDT account
  5. Log in to your AEDT account with Login.gov